

The International Ocular Inflammation Society (IOIS) is an independent scientific society, interested in the study of ocular inflammatory diseases.

The major purposes of the society are:

  • To diffuse knowledge and to stimulate research on ocular inflammatory and immune processes.
  • To foster studies on the basic mechanisms and pathogenesis of ocular immunology and inflammation.
  • To prepare "Guidelines" on the medical management and surgical approaches to the treatment of ocular inflammatory diseases.
  • To initiate and support International cooperation by fostering multi-centre studies on the major medical problems of the Ocular Inflammation.

  • To achieve these purposes, IOIS sponsors the following activities:

    • An International Symposium held once every two years.
    • Co-sponsorship of activities and meetings with other International and National Societies.
    • Educational and Scientific Committees responsible for long range planning.
    • Guidelines and didactical material to promote the clinical knowledge on Ocular Inflammation.
    • Courses and debates on issues associated with ocular inflammatory diseases.
    • Continuous Medical Education Program on Ocular Immunology and Inflammation diseases.