
IOIS Section Management of Uveitic Cataracts: Management of Uveitis Complications

IOIS Section: Management of Uveitic Cataracts
IOIS section session
Wednesday 13 November 2019, 15:20 - 16:35, Hall 3 - 301a (500)
Annabelle OKADA, Russell READ, Shwu-Jiuan SHEU
 15:20Risk of cataract in ocular inflammatory diseases KEMPEN J
 15:35Preoperative Approach to the Uveitic Cataract KEINO H
 15:50Is there still a question about IOL choice in uveitic cataract? CHEE SP
 16:05Approach to the Small Pupil and other Intraoperative Considerations READ R
 16:20Pediatric Uveitic Cataract LOWDER C