
Cornea (DOG)

"Disasters" of the ocular surface. Current instructions for action: When - What – How?
IOIS section session
Wednesday 6 September 2023, 15:10 - 16:10, Room 1 — C01
Uwe PLEYER, Berthold SEITZ
 15:10The great imitator: Akanthamoeba keratitis SEITZ B
 15:25On the rise? Keratomycosis GEERLING G
 15:40System failure: GvHD STEVEN Ph
 15:55The challenge: Mucous membrane pemphigoid PLEYER U
 16:10End of Session

The spectrum of serious diseases of the anterior eye segment that requires rapid, clear action is broad. In this session, important infectious and non-infectious diseases are concisely presented. Here, experts provide clear instructions for action. Based on anamnesis and clinical findings, the differential diagnostic considerations are developed with the participants. The focus is on diagnostic algorithms as well as current guidelines and recommendations for therapy.