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This abstract is assigned to session 18 - Free Papers III - Complications of Uveitis
Presentation preference Oral presentation
TitleA small case series of the development of uveitis in dupilumab-treated atopic dermatitis patients
PurposeConjunctivitis is the most frequently reported side effect during dupilumab treatment in moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (AD) patients. Nevertheless, other ophthalmic adverse events in dupilumab-treated AD patients have been reported in literature, but only few data is available. Here, we report a case series of six moderate-to-severe AD patients who developed uveitis during dupilumab treatment.
MethodsIncluded AD patients developed uveitis after starting dupilumab treatment and were seen at the University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands.
ResultsSix patients developed uveitis within 2 weeks to 24 months after starting dupilumab. The underlying causes of uveitis were HLA B 27 ankylosing spondylitis, undiagnosed sarcoidosis, VKH syndrome, and unknown origin (n=3) complicated by macular edema in one and secondary glaucoma in another case. There seems to be a predisposing factor for development of uveitis in the first three cases, whereas one patient with uveitis of unknown origin suffered from cutaneous lupus.
ConclusionOn the basis of this small case series, we conclude that uveitis can occur as a rare adverse event of dupilumab treatment in AD patients, probably with pre-existent risk factors for developing uveitis.
Conflict of interestNo
Authors 1
Last nameVAN LUIJK
Initials of first name(s)CM
Authors 2
Last nameAchten
Initials of first name(s)R
Authors 3
Last namede Bruin-Weller
Initials of first name(s)M
Authors 4
Last namede Boer
Initials of first name(s)J